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playing through

The Foursome

The four golfers who join Kele for his round

In early versions, the golfers were older and heavier and whackier like cartoon characters, but I began to realize the needed to be younger and more neutral in order not to compete with Kele. So they ended up looking more similar - which is why I also ended up abandoning their original names. They became the man in the blue hat, the yellow shirt, the green trousers and the white shoes. That's how Kele would have differentiated - theoretically anyway.

The man in the blue hat became his prime contact and is the most helpful. He tees off first and shows Kele what to do, but they are all friendly and enthusiastic with the exception of the man in the yellow shirt. We won't talk about him. There are also some other foursomes out on the course, but they are even less identified than Kele's foursome.

The TS on their caps, of course, is for Toastberry Springs. No need to bring in brands of golfing equipment at this time.

wanting to play through

Blue Hat
man in the blue hat

yellow shirt
man in the yellow shirt

green trousers
man in the green trousers

white shoes
man in the white shoes

